Wednesday, January 23, 2013

An answered question -

Babies, what a blessing they are!! God tells us this many times throughout the Bible.

"Children are a gift from the Lord ; they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.
How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."(Psalms 127:3-5)

Why all this baby talk? Well my best friend asked me to write on this topic. She asked me to talk about how we came to the decision of letting God bless us with children in His time. Sounds crazy I know!! I didn't (and still don't at times) always understand our decision. It was one we struggled with many times. After prayer and Bible study, we knew it was the best choice for us if we really wanted to surrender to God. I mean, how selfish of us to ask God to take control in every aspect of our lives but keep our fertility only for us!

The main question I get asked is why would we want to bring more children into a world with such an unstable economy. Our response - GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES!!

When I worked at the hospital, God provided. After I became pregnant with Aiden and left my job, God provided. When Derek and I were both unemployed while raising littles and a baby on the way, God provided. And now, God is still providing. Derek has consistent work, which is such a blessing. I am able to be home with our children, another huge blessing.

"Aren't you afraid that you'll have 20 kids?" My answer - I didn't expect to get pregnant with Emily when Aiden was 5 months old but it worked out. It's hard at times but I wouldn't change it. Emily just turned a year old and I'm not expecting (as of now). God has perfect timing and knows when/if we will have more children.

"What about Formula, it's so expensive?" My answer - breastfeed, it's what God intended!!

"Diapers are overpriced!!" My answer - save the money you spend on lattes each day and buy diapers instead or invest in cloth ones :)

My children have never gone without and with grandparents like theirs, I doubt they ever will (LOL)!!

It really just comes down to serving The Lord and budgeting properly.

I know this post will get the most comments to date, but I'm proud of our decisions and when The Lord provides, we willingly accept His blessings.

God bless,

1 comment:

  1. You're post are always so uplifting :) God Bless your heart! -Dhess
