Saturday, May 25, 2013

Toughest challenge.....


Why is cooking so hard for me?

 I'm not bad at it. I just have poor planning. I mean, I take food out of the freezer, I buy food at the grocery store but I lack the desire to prepare anything more complicated than tacos (sigh). It's actually sad. I really struggle with meal planning/ideas.

I thought if I made a menu every week, that went along with the food I already have in my pantry, that it would help. I stopped making the menus......

I just don't know how to gain that drive to want to be a good cook. What do you do?


Leave your ideas in the comments :)

Thank you,


  1. This is me too. Pastor Kent frequently mentions doing everything to the Glory of God so I'm working on just that. Before I start cooking I pray and ask His guidance. I actually ask for guidance early in the day to motivate to want to cook.

  2. I'm going to start praying about cooking as well :) Thank you for the comment <3

  3. Try taking one day a week to plan and possibly prepare the weeks meals. Once you get started it works well. Then all you have to do is finish the preparation if needed, or heat it up. Takes all the last minute "what's for dinner" pressure away. Some people do this once a month, but that was always too much for me.
    Love how big the children are getting Kristina!

  4. I run into the same thing at home, I want to be a (good) cook but I'm missing the drive to actually be it. Maybe it helps if you decide to cook the same type meal on set days of the week - sundays pasta and fridays pizza or something like that?

    found you via Modest Mondays :)

    1. I'm going to try making menus with set meal days!! Thanks Bibi for the idea!!

  5. Suggestions that may or not work in your season of life. Make dinner in the morning after you have gotten your day started or early afternoon. Find what time if day you feel most motivated and use that to get you meal work done. Something else I would say... Don't sweat it. You are in a season with lots of littles make your meals very simple and easy. You could maybe do one meal a week that is more involved if you husband likes. If your husband likes Mac/cheese, casseroles etc. then make those. Talk to him if it's not something important to him at this season then you will have time for more gourmet meals later on. It has worked for our family. If your husband does like nicer meals be open with him about your struggle and your desire to serve him in that way. He knows you best and may be able to give you some wise advice for his season of life. Remember there is a season for everything, :) if you need some inspiration ask around at church for recipes I'm sure done other moms would be happy to share their easy go-to recipes. The library is always s good place to check out new cookbooks sometimes an appetizing picture can make all the difference. And yes like the other commented said...pray God cares about the little things our lives and he can give you wisdom in how to serve your husband and kids. Don't loose heart, hang in there Mamma!

