Monday, May 6, 2013

Raising chickens...

Deciding to get chickens can be intimidating at first. I know it was for us. The main reason for our decision was wanting eggs/chicken meat without the chemicals or antibiotics that can be found in factory-farmed animals. 
You have to ask yourself if you are ready to devote the time, energy, and money it takes to properly raise free-range chickens. You also need to do research on what breed of chicken is right for your family. 
Our family choose to go with all Buff Orpingtons. They are a dual purpose chicken meaning they are raised for the purposes of both meat and egg production. They are also calm and friendly, rather than skittish or aggressive.
We love our chickens. We have been so blessed by them. Not only will they provide fresh eggs for us, they also control the bug population around our farm, as well as providing fertilizer for our garden. 

We are raising free-range chickens meaning our chickens have free-range on our farm. They live along side our other animals. (We do live in a wooded area, so we do lock our coop at night to protect our birds from predators.)  Every morning, we let our chickens out of their coop to roam our farm. I first feared they would run away or get eaten, but God has kept them here (yay)!! They love table scraps along with their chicken feed. They also eat the plants and bugs we have around here. 

They are very social birds, each having very different personalities. The kids love them. They like to "help" with coop chores. It teaches the kids about responsibility as well as a lesson in where our food really comes from. *Although, Madison now asks us what dead animal she's eating at almost every meal*
I encourage you to pray about it, discuss it, and decide for yourself if raising chickens is right for your family. 
"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals...)" (Proverbs 12:10)

Happy farming,

Breakfast time 

Sunbathing Chicken

"Momma" Chicken, she's my favorite :)
(sssh, don't tell the others)

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