Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 weeks ~

I'm so sorry for my continued absence. I'm still having a rough time with morning sickness. When I start feeling better I make sure to spend that time with my family or I try to do chores. Fatigue drains my nights, so I'm in bed earlier than normal. 12 weeks is slowly approaching and I'm hoping to start feeling better as the 2nd trimester arrives. 

I'm hoping that once my energy comes back that the number of posts I'm able to write will increase too. 

But until then, blogging is unfortunately last on my "to-do" list.  You can keep in touch with me through my Facebook or my Instagram accounts. I do try to update those daily. 

Thank you for your continued support and your prayers!!


1 comment:

  1. Awww - take care of yourself and that wee bun-in-the-oven.
    I made a call to my daughter this morning, to check on her, and see if her morning sickness has eased up. She's doing well these day, at the end of her first trimester, I pray you have relief soon too.
