Spring is a busy time around our house...
With spring comes later days.
Our construction business (www.sturgeonqualityconstruction.com) gets busier, gardening, yard work, and good ole' spring cleaning!
The kids and I spend our late mornings doing "barn chores". We have a small barn that we clean as well as a good size chicken coop. The kids "help" by keeping the animals occupied while I clean.
After barn chores come house chores. We have a good size home, so cleaning it each day takes up my afternoons. I try to get as much done while the littles nap. I don't worry too much about toys. I know as soon as the kids wake up, the toys come all back out so I gave up being OCD about toys a while ago 😉.
After all of that, dinner, bath, and bedtime routines are next. By this time, I'm exhausted usually.
I'm hoping to get back into my regular groove of blogging, I just need to redo my chore schedule to fit it in. I have my prayer/Bible time very early in the morning so I'm thinking blogging late at night might work.
I'm still working on Modest Girl/Unmodest World posts and hope to publish a new one this coming Friday (yay)..
I hope you are enjoying the spring season as much as our family is 😊.
"She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. She makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night. Her hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber." (Proverbs 31:17-19)
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