Derek was home yesterday. It was nice having him home. I got to take my time and do things like take a normal shower instead of racing through it before Aiden wakes up.We ran a few errands and did a few chores so it was a pleasant, uneventful day. Oh except for one thing...Aiden said Amen. He's been doing it for a few days now but I wanted to be sure. We say grace before eating every time we eat. We take turns between Derek and I and if Madison is here she usually says it. The other day while I was at my in-laws, Derek finished saying grace and said Amen then I said it. Right after I said it, Aiden chimed in with his own Amen. Everyone heard it. It was clear as a bell. It was SO cute. At first I though maybe it was a fluke, he babbles alot and really only says momma, dada, kitty, and hi clearly. But he hears us say Amen multiple times a day. We pray out loud during the day together along with saying it at meal times so I knew he would catch on but to hear him say it now at meals is the cutest thing. I pray for him to have a heart for Jesus.
I'm so blessed to have the life I have.
I get to watch Aiden everyday grow and change.
He gets more and more of a personality everyday.
Today I think it will pretty calm as well, I don't have to leave the house and Derek is working to finish a project. So it's just me and Aiden today. I cherish the moments I have alone with him because I know in just a few short weeks Emily will be here and he will have to share me more than he has to when Madison is here. I'm hoping to find a swing and a bouncer by then so I can put Emily down when he does need his mommy time. I had borrowed a swing and a bouncer and just recently had to return them. So, I have 8 weeks or so to find a swing, a bouncer, and a bassinet. Just one more thing to worry about but I know that God always provides so I'm sure it will all work out.
~ Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:11-13
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