Friday, August 16, 2013

Simplifying things...

To simplify all aspects of our home.

A few weeks ago, I deleted my Facebook account trying to simplify my time. I want to spend more time on things that truly matter more than catching up on FB drama. That was SO freeing.

This week, I am going through each room with the goal to clean out the clutter. Toys, clothes, shoes, knick-knacks,'s gotta go if we don't use it. I don't want to spend all of my time cleaning either. I want to enjoy my little farm and the blessings God has given us.

I tend to hoard clothes, anyone who knows me know I have too many clothes. Now being pregnant 3 of the last 4 years, I do have a wide variety of sizes and I do plan to keep a few items from each pile since I am currently changing sizes at a rapid pace. But my main goal is if we don't generally use it, we need to lose it. 

I'm hoping to take on a room a day. I plan on starting with my closet first on Day 1 (eek). 

I believe it is important for us to teach our children about how having too much stuff can be harmful. It can give us an attitude of always needing the newest, the best. Don't get me wrong, we all like to have nice things but if we let our shopping habits run wild, we soon become used to getting what we want, when we want it. My children are with me every day, all day. I am their biggest influence and they watch my behavior as well as listen to what I have to say. If I tell them to appreciate all they have and how it is better to give than receive but they SEE me buying whatever I want and not giving back, they soon will follow my example instead of hearing my words.

So this next week is going to be about de-cluttering our lives by de-cluttering our time and our home!! Keep checking back for an update on our progress :)

“The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
Proverbs 14:1

Your sister in Christ,

Baby Update : Almost 16 weeks!! We find out what we are having in 4 weeks. It is such an exciting time :) I've been feeling great lately and am hoping to feel our baby's first movements any day now!!  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Saying goodbye to Facebook...

I did it!! I took that step and didn't look back...

I deactivated my Facebook account. 

I don't think Facebook or other social media sites are a bad thing. I happen to love posting pictures on my Instagram account. 

My problem was, I checked my Facebook too much. I checked it every morning. Before we ate breakfast. During the kids' nap time. It seemed like every free moment I'd get, I would check my Facebook. Then, those moments when I was actually doing something constructive, I'd hear a notification beep that someone "liked" a post or I had a new message, I would drop what I was doing to see what it was. I felt that I was spending more time with my "social family" than my real family. 

I had been contemplating deactivating it for a while, but I could never get over that fear of being disconnected. 

That is, until the other day. 

I was checking Facebook for what was probably the 100th time that day. It was nighttime and I was just going to see if anything had changed in the last 5 minutes...just one last time before bed. I was compelled by the Holy Spirit because I truly heard Him say why not read your Bible instead of looking at this AGAIN?...I made an excuse..just one more scroll.

I stopped. I knew I need to listen to The Lord. I needed to refocus on what's important. I always have good intentions of setting limits and sticking to them. 

"I'll only check it once a day" or "30 minutes of Facebook and that's it"

I never would stick with it and I always ended up back to being my facebook junkie self. 

NOT ANYMORE!!  I needed to take the steps to just be done with it. It was time to go. 

Of course I tried reasoning with myself. 

"I won't be able to talk to my friends" my true friends have my phone number and I talk to them almost daily. 

"I won't see their pictures" I have Instagram and most of my friends do too. 

"I catch up on my favorite blogs/sites, I'll miss the new posts" I've subscribed or favorited my favorite blog sites so new posts won't be too hard to find. 

I just did it. After praying and seeking comfort, I knew my life wasn't ending. I officially deactivated my Facebook account. 

I have to say, it has been so freeing. Not running for my iPhone at the alert of every notification. When I get down time, instead of checking social sites, I clean something or I actually take the time to read my Bible. 

I don't know what my neighbors had for breakfast or what old classmates are doing today, but that's okay. I DO know what I'm doing and what my family is doing and that is taking a little more time to enjoy each other. 

To God alone be the glory!!

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2 

Baby Update: I'll be 14 weeks this week. I'm finally starting to feel a little less nauseous in the mornings. PRAISE GOD!! I had my first appointment with our midwife and our little blessing sounds happy and healthy. I look forward to my 2nd trimester and to that moment when I feel those first true kicks. That's always my favorite part of pregnancy. (smile)

With love, 
